Professor: IMAI, Hideo, Dr. Sc.; SEGAWA, Shigeo, Dr. Sc.; TADA, Toshimasa, Dr. Eng. ; UEDA, Hideharu, Dr. Sc.
Associate Professor: NARITA, Junichiro, M. SC.

The Mathematics Department teaches mathematical subjects in the specialized basic subjects group (including Linear Algebra I, Differential Calculus of a Single Variable, Linear Algebra II, Integral Calculus of a Single Variable, Differential Calculus of Several Variables, Integral Calculus of Several Variables, Ordinary Differential Equations, Applied Calculus) and mathematical subjects in the specialized subjects group (including Geometry I, Mathematical Statistics I, Geometry II, Mathematical Statistics II, Algebra AI, Algebra BI, Algebra AII, Algebra BII).

These mathematical subjects are based on an educational principle in which the primary goal is higher level mathematical knowledge and improvement in the ability to apply that knowledge, to enhance the basic academic attainments necessary for the study of engineering. In order to attain the ability to keep up with developments in society, it is necessary not only to increase knowledge quantitatively but also to cultivate a mathematical approach to problem solving, through analysis and comprehension of structure. Thus, in addition to the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge, the mathematical subjects also have as an educational goal the cultivation of a mathematical approach through direct experience of the mathematical principles from which formulae and theorems derive.