
The four-year student life will make you more imaginative and more enthusiastic.

Planning, envisioning, and shaping - Architecture is science with imagination

Architecture is science for creating comfortable life space for human beings in making various buildings from houses to skyscrapers, activating towns, and redeveloping cities. It is a very interesting science when you plan space, envision it, and shape it. You are excited by conceiving how you envision it and how you develop your imagination. On the other hand, this science is very hard.

For example, when a building is interpreted in view of "functionality," you can arrive at a solution by using several methods, e.g., shortening the path of flow, dividing the space by function, and pursuing the highest structural functionality with the least consumption of materials.

However, when it is interpreted in view of "design," you may have different solutions depending on the thought of the designer or client, on the environment, and on the times. In this sense, the design is free and wild, and you have to find your own solution based on your own idea.

DIT makes creative engineers of its students, who can live up to the expectations of society in terms of both knowledge and techniques and mind.

"Wood" and "earth" stimulate your sensitivity, while past architecture stimulates your mind.

In order for the students to get the feel of "wood" and "earth" with the skin, which are one of the most popular materials of architecture, and richly develop their creative power, "Exercise of Formative Art" is contained in the curriculum of the freshmen. In the clay formative art, the students knead clay to freely form what they want to without deciding any theme beforehand. While kneading clay, they can learn the properties of "earth" on one hand, and develop their formative sense through the stimulation of their sensitivity on the other hand.

In woodwork designing, the students make chairs of plywood board without using any nails. Experiencing vibrations from a saw and witnessing how sawdust comes out, they can learn "wood" while pursuing better designs and higher functions with limited materials.

This is the only course, among all the engineering courses, that has classes of "History." Architecture is designed for human beings, and the fundamental idea of human beings about the time and the space has remained unchanged. For this reason, the students are requested to sufficiently learn at the class of "History of Architecture" so that they can learn the know-how of past architects, receive stimulation from them, and turn what they have learned into better architecture of the modern times.

Studying abroad and participating in architectural design competitions - opportunities of stirring your enthusiasm about architecture and nourishing a dream

DIT's students are highly evaluated by business enterprises to be "enthusiastic and energetic." One of the opportunities they come to be enthusiastic about is "architectural design competitions." Notices of various competitions sponsored by associations, scientific societies and business enterprises are always posted on the bulletin board. In response, students are eager to participate in them.

An unusual one was the "Ridge-end Tile Competition" held on the theme of "what the ridge-end tile should be in the future." They took part in this competition, and one of them won the fine work prize.

Nothing is more important to the competition than the idea. Students and faculty members are earnestly discussing the works to be applied taking various opportunities.

On the other hand, students actively go abroad to study at Oregon University and other institutes in alignment with DIT. This offers the participants opportunities of learning architecture from the global viewpoint, such as design process in Europe and America.

Faculty - Academic Staff